Apr 5, 2010

Gita Chapter 11.36 to 11.40

Arjuna Uvaacha:
Sthaane hrisheekesha tava prakeertyaa
Jagat prahrishyatyanurajyate cha;
Rakshaamsi bheetaani disho dravanti
Sarve namasyanti cha siddhasanghaah.
Arjuna said:
36. It is meet, O Krishna, that the world delights and rejoices in Thy praise; demons fly in fear to all quarters and the hosts of the perfected ones bow to Thee!

Kasmaachcha te na nameran mahaatman
Gareeyase brahmano’pyaadikartre;
Ananta devesha jagannivaasa
Twamaksharam sadasattatparam yat.
37. And why should they not, O great soul, bow to Thee who art greater (than all else), the primal cause even of (Brahma) the creator, O Infinite Being! O Lord of the gods! O abode of the universe! Thou art the imperishable, the Being, the non-being and That which is the supreme (that which is beyond the Being and non-being).
COMMENTARY: The Lord is Mahatma. He is greater than all else. He is the imperishable, so He is the proper object of worship, love and delight.

Twamaadidevah purushah puraanas
Twamasya vishwasya param nidhaanam;
Vettaasi vedyam cha param cha dhaama
Twayaa tatam vishwamanantaroopa.
38. Thou art the primal God, the ancient Purusha, the supreme refuge of this universe, the knower, the knowable and the supreme abode. By Thee is the universe pervaded, O Being of infinite forms!

Vaayuryamo’gnirvarunah shashaankah
Prajaapatistwam prapitaamahashcha;
Namo namaste’stu sahasrakritwah
Punashcha bhooyo’pi namo namaste.
39. Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, the moon, the creator, and the great-grandfather. Salutations, salutations unto Thee, a thousand times, and again salutations, salutations unto Thee!

Namah purastaadatha prishthataste
Namo’stu te sarvata eva sarva;
Sarvam samaapnoshi tato’si sarvah.
40. Salutations to Thee from front and from behind! Salutations to Thee on every side! O All! Thou infinite in power and prowess, pervadest all; wherefore Thou art all.

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