Mar 10, 2010

Asamyataatmanaa yogo dushpraapa iti me matih;
Vashyaatmanaa tu yatataa shakyo’vaaptumupaayatah.
36. I think that Yoga is hard to be attained by one of uncontrolled self, but the self~controlled and striving one attains to it by the (proper) means.

Arjuna Uvaacha:
Ayatih shraddhayopeto yogaacchalitamaanasah;
Apraapya yogasamsiddhim kaam gatim krishna gacchati.
Arjuna said:
37. He who is unable to control himself though he has the faith, and whose mind wanders away from Yoga, what end does he meet, having failed to attain perfection in Yoga, O Krishna?

Kacchinnobhayavibhrashtash cchinnaabhramiva nashyati;
Apratishtho mahaabaaho vimoodho brahmanah pathi.
38. Fallen from both, does he not perish like a rent cloud, supportless, O mighty-armed (Krishna), deluded on the path of Brahman?

Etanme samshayam krishna cchettumarhasyasheshatah;
Twadanyah samshayasyaasya cchettaa na hyupapadyate.
39. This doubt of mine, O Krishna, do Thou completely dispel, because it is not possible for any but Thee to dispel this doubt.

COMMENTARY: There is no better teacher than the Lord Himself as He is omniscient.

Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha:
Paartha naiveha naamutra vinaashas tasya vidyate;
Nahi kalyaanakrit kashchid durgatim taata gacchati.

The Blessed Lord said:
40. O Arjuna, neither in this world, nor in the next world is there destruction for him; none, verily, who does good, O My son, ever comes to grief!

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