Mar 14, 2010

Gita Chapter 7.01 to 7.05

Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha:
Mayyaasaktamanaah paartha yogam yunjanmadaashrayah;
Asamshayam samagram maam yathaa jnaasyasi tacchrinu.
The Blessed Lord said:
1. O Arjuna, hear how you shall without doubt know Me fully, with the mind intent on Me, practising Yoga and taking refuge in Me!
COMMENTARY: If you sing the glories and attributes of the Lord, you will develop love for Him and then your mind will be ever fixed on Him. Intense love for the Lord is real devotion. With this you must surely get full knowledge of the Self.

Jnaanam te’ham savijnaanam idam vakshyaamyasheshatah;
Yajjnaatwaa neha bhooyo’nyaj jnaatavyamavashishyate.
2. I shall declare to thee in full this knowledge combined with direct realisation, after knowing which nothing more here remains to be known.

Manushyaanaam sahasreshu kashchidyatati siddhaye;
Yatataamapi siddhaanaam kashchinmaam vetti tattwatah.
3. Among thousands of men, one perchance strives for perfection; even among those successful strivers, only one perchance knows Me in essence.

Bhoomiraapo’nalo vaayuh kham mano buddhireva cha;
Ahamkaara iteeyam me bhinnaa prakritirashtadhaa.
4. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and egoism—thus is My Nature divided eightfold.

Apareyamitastwanyaam prakritim viddhi me paraam;
Jeevabhootaam mahaabaaho yayedam dhaaryate jagat.
5. This is the inferior Prakriti, O mighty-armed (Arjuna)! Know thou as different from it My higher Prakriti (Nature), the very life-element by which this world is upheld.

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