Mar 10, 2010

Gita Chapter 6.41to 6.45

Praapya punyakritaam lokaanushitwaa shaashwateeh samaah;
Shucheenaam shreemataam gehe yogabhrashto’bhijaayate.
41. Having attained to the worlds of the righteous and, having dwelt there for everlasting years, he who fell from Yoga is reborn in the house of the pure and wealthy.

Athavaa yoginaameva kule bhavati dheemataam;
Etaddhi durlabhataram loke janma yadeedrisham.
42. Or he is born in a family of even the wise Yogis; verily a birth like this is very difficult to obtain in this world.

Tatra tam buddhisamyogam labhate paurvadehikam;
Yatate cha tato bhooyah samsiddhau kurunandana.
43. There he comes in touch with the knowledge acquired in his former body and strives more than before for perfection, O Arjuna!

Poorvaabhyaasena tenaiva hriyate hyavasho’pi sah;
Jijnaasurapi yogasya shabdabrahmaativartate.
44. By that very former practice he is borne on in spite of himself. Even he who merely wishes to know Yoga transcends the Brahmic word.
COMMENTARY: One who had fallen from Yoga is carried to the goal (which he intended to reach in his previous birth), by the force of the impressions of his past Yogic practices, though he may be unconscious of it and may not be willing to adopt the course of Yogic discipline due to the force of some evil Karma.

Prayatnaadyatamaanastu yogee samshuddhakilbishah;
Anekajanmasamsiddhas tato yaati paraam gatim.
45. But, the Yogi who strives with assiduity, purified of sins and perfected gradually through many births, reaches the highest goal.

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